

Welcome to My Website

Hello and welcome! This website is essentially a collection of personal notes, lists, and cheat sheets that I’ve compiled for myself.

A Bit About the Site

As someone passionate about networking, coding, cybersecurity and reliability, I’ve gathered various resources and information that I find particularly useful or interesting. This site serves as my digital notebook where I keep these insights organized and easily accessible.

Sharing Knowledge

While these resources are primarily for my own use, I hope others stumbling upon this site might find some of these lists and cheat sheets helpful as well. Whether you’re a professional in the field, a student, or just someone curious, you’re welcome to explore and utilize these notes.


Please note that the information provided here is a compilation of my personal notes and understanding. It’s always good to cross-reference with official sources or professionals for critical applications.

Connect and Contribute

I’m open to suggestions, corrections, or contributions to these notes. Feel free to reach out if you have something to share or add. Your input can help make these resources more comprehensive and accurate for everyone.

Thank you for visiting, and I hope you find something useful here!